The Power of One

I am committed to being a solo act…no employees, no salespeople, no assistants. I will handle every aspect of your transaction, no matter how big or small.

Concierge Properties is a none-woman operation You’ll always deal with me directly, never someone else. It’s the only way I know how to deliver the individualized and dedicated service you deserve.



Torry Hinder is a fifth-generation Torontonian who holds both a Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Physics) and an MBA (Marketing). She was lured to the US by a job offer from Intel to join the team that brought the first Pentium® processor to market. Her assignment, working with domestic and international computer manufacturers, to ensure their products were ready co-incident with the Pentium’s launch, made Torry realize that she truly loved working with customers. Deciding to seek a more child-friendly place to raise children, Torry and her husband Sandy relocated to the beautiful Carson Valley in northern Nevada. Torry’s decision to re-enter the workforce was prompted by the Great Recession of 2008 and the need it created for quality luxury long-term property management. She joined Chase International, the leader in luxury real estate in Lake Tahoe in 2012.  Her initial focus on managing luxury homes quickly blossomed into a full-service real estate business.  An empty nest prompted Torry and her husband Sandy to relocate to Tubac AZ.  Torry interviewed with various brokerages but decided the best fit for her vision was her own brokerage.  Both Torry and her husband Sandy were quick to integrate into leadership roles in the community.  Sandy serves on the Tubac Fire District Board and Torry serves on the Tubac Valley Country Club Estates Board.

Contact Torry Hinder


(775) 790-4637

Contact Torry Hinder


(775) 790-4637